Thursday 14 August 2014

Peripheral neuropathy: The Silent Battle with Interventional Pain Management continues

Unlike common misconception, neuropathy is not a single set of complication but it is a more complex medical condition that was believed earlier. Just like its symptoms, the medical terminology directs its effort in treating it as an ‘idiopathic disease’. Often diagnosed late, the condition largely affects the peripheral nervous system. Peripheral neuropathy is a disordered condition that leaves lacunae in the peripheral nervous system giving rise to a pulsating back pain and neck pain and not headaches. Neuropathy does not affect any part of the brain and hence the risk involved is much less. Spinal cords and vertebrae are major centres of pain in this condition.

Conditions that cause poly-neuropathy are likely to be physical trauma on playground or an accidental injury. Food infection and fungal infection can also lead to the conditions. Some drugs and toxin agents have also been involved in serious bouts of neuropathy. Metabolic disorders like diabetes and cirrhosis of liver can also lead to common bouts of peripheral neuropathy. 

When to seek a medical advice
Neuropathy treatment has to be treated by a certified neurologist who may extend a comprehensive drug and IPM module treatment to cure the condition once the symptoms and causes are established. As a standard procedure, it is essential to underline the fact that the patient may suffer from muscle pain, numbness and handicapped reflexes in basic motor action. It may involve complete withdrawal from alcohol and other prescriptive drug as it may interfere with the overall process.

Immediate consultation with a neurologist can help in controlling the condition as there have been reported cases where the peripheral neuropathy have aggravated into autonomic nervous disorders and caused bowel and bladder crisis. It may also lead to momentary loss of consciousness, persistent dizziness and difficulty in foot coordination.

Why it remains a silent treatment: An Overview
Neuropathy treatment largely focuses on the region of centralized pain. This includes the automatic nerve centres which handle the involuntary nervous coordination in the body. Motor nerves and sensory nerves also figure in the cumulative treatment under Interventional Pain Management procedure (IPM). Since neuropathy affects more than one nerve, the treatment is rather subjective as far as what degree of pain can be cured trough one single procedure. Often multiple visits might be required to be treated from this condition. IPM Procedures for neuropathy treatment have brought a flood of recently developed curative formulae that have brought relief to thousands of patient suffering from this condition.

Neuropathy is felt as a burning sensation around the limbs and pelvic region.  It also involves loss of sensory feeling and muscular motion which could render the patient insensitive to extreme heat, pain, cold or even severe cut. Diabetic patients are at their greatest risk as any cut may severely lead to gangrene and if left untreated doctors may have to amputate the body part to save life. Most common cases of neuropathy may include the nervous suppression by adjoining nervous chamber or muscular inflammation.
Doctors may choose to treat the patient using botox injections and chemical neurolysis. Physicians may also direct a session of radio- frequency ablation with epidural steroidal injection to relieve pain instantly.

Sunday 3 August 2014

Effects of neck pains and joint pains

What is pain?
Pain is any unwanted feeling that stimulates the nervous system. Pains are normally temporary, when the cause of the pain is detected, proper treatment is being done and the pathogen causing the damage is healed the pain automatically goes away. But sometimes pain last for many years. This type of pain is known as chronic pain. It is caused mainly due to osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, or any idiopathic pain. Management of acute pain is being done with the help of proper medication. Acute pains are normally easy to be treated whereas chronic pains have no permanent treatment. Physiotherapies, medicines, and exercises help to get relief from the pain.

Neck pain
Neck pains are mainly caused due to any disorders of the tissues in the neck. Some of the reasons for neck pain may be neck strain, neck injury, pinched nerve or any disk diseases. Any virus infection affecting the gland, fever, throat infections, and spine bones infection can also lead to neck pain. Meningitis causes neck stiffness. Neck pain may be associated with shoulder pain, back pain, headache. Neck pains are mainly caused by any trauma, bad posture, tumors, and also muscle strains.

Treatments for neck pains
Neck pain should be properly diagnosed. It is important to check any past history. The location of the pain, the duration of the pain and the acuteness of the pain should be properly determined. The nervous system should be properly examined. X-rays, MRI, CT scan, electromyography, and nerve test should be recommended to properly identify the affected area. The main treatment for neck pain is to take rest. Hot and cold therapies are also very effective. Taking traction, ultrasound treatment often helps to reduce neck pain. Home remedies may include certain exercises involving neck movement, taking a hot bath and hot pads are very effective. For chronic pain acupuncture is recommended.

Joint pains
Joints are the connection of the bones; it is the supporting factor of our body. Joints help us to move, do any form of physical works. Any disease or injuries that cause pain in joints are known as joint pains. Joint pains are very common mainly at the old age. But now a day’s even children and middle aged people also get attacked by arthritis, which is the most common joint disease. Some of the most common diseases caused by joint pains are osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, gouts, strains, sprains. Joint pains can also be acute or chronic.

Treatment for joint pains
Ice therapy is considered the most effective treatment of joint pains. The cold temperatures help to reduce any kind of swelling of the tissues. Warm water also gives relief from joint pains. Warm waters reduce the pressure on the joints. A gentle massage with strokes towards the heart also gives a good relief from the joint pains. Certain non-steroidal drugs also help to reduce joint pains. Doing regular exercises helps to keep the joints movable; this in turn helps to reduce joint pains. So doing regular exercise is a mandatory prescription by the doctors. Nowadays physiotherapies, acupuncture and yoga’s also play an important role in reducing joint pains.

Friday 11 July 2014

Healthy food and dietary supplements help keep away pain

Pain in old age
When people grow old, they also learn to live with pain and assume that pain in old age is a part of life. Pain not only makes us hurt, it also affects the way one leads a life. It causes not only physical disturbance but also leads to mental disturbance and which ultimately leads to depression. It is a very serious problem as it affects every point of the life. Joint pain in old age is also known as geriatric pain.

Causes of joint pain
Some of the main causes of joint pains are inflammatory joint diseases; osteoarthritis is one of the most common joint pain diseases in old age. It is mainly caused by the wear and tear of the joints caused by ageing. It affects knees, shoulder, ankle, hips, and feet. The main symptoms of this typical disease are stiffness in the joints particularly after doing exercise and after waking up in the morning and also after sitting in the same posture for a long time. Gouty arthritis is another common old age problem which is caused due to increase of the level of uric acid content in the body. The pain points where it attacks are knee, heels, ankle, wrist and fingers. Some previous injury or any joint dislocation can also be a main cause of old age pains.

Treatment for old age pain
Using ice therapy or heat therapy can give relief from the joint pain caused by osteoarthritis. Doing low impact exercises that involve movement of the joints are also quite helpful. Avoiding food containing high protein diets, and avoiding alcoholic drinks helps to keep control of the uric acid level which in turn helps to get rid of the pain caused by gouty arthritis. Proper medication is also needed.  For joint dislocations and injury proper medical treatment is required.

Healthy food- helps to fight against joint pain
Arthritis is the main cause of the joint pains. It is caused due to the damages of the cartilages, tissues, bones and joints. Proper diet helps to get relieve from the pain associated with joint pains. Researchers have proved that omega-3 fatty acids helps to reduce the inflammation caused due to the wear and tear of the tissue cells. The omega-3 fatty acid is normally found in walnuts, trout’s, and mackerels. Broccoli, cauliflowers also helps to fight against arthritis. Consumption of greater amount of vitamin D also helps to fight against arthritis. The main source of vitamin D is the sun. Some food items containing vitamin D are oily fish, dairy products. Olive oils also have high capacity to help to reduce the stiffness in patients caused by arthritis. 

Supplements – to prevent joint pain
Glucosamine is considered as a natural supplement that helps to keep the cartilages in our body lubricated and also helps to keep the joints mobile. Chrondroitin sulphate is another highly recommended supplement that helps to reduce joint pains caused by inflammations. Calcium is also used as supplements to reduce joint pain. For all the muscular contractions, that takes place in our body, our body needs calcium, and if our blood does not have enough calcium then this calcium is taken from the bones. Therefore, enough calcium should be kept in our diet so that there is no deficiency of calcium. Proper diets are always mandatory for good health.

Monday 16 June 2014

A Brief Guide to Effective Pain Management

There could hardly be a human being who is not familiar with pain. Pain is an inseparable part of life. We try our best to avoid pain and get more pleasure out of life. It is only natural to do so. Some pains are temporary and they come and go away on their own accord. However, some are relatively persistent and unless we know how to handle and heal them, they can make our life very miserable. Pain management is an effort to minimize the suffering of a person in pain and help him live a relatively pain-free and better quality life.

Understanding your pain
Understanding your pain is the first step towards managing it. There are many causes behind a pain including physical injuries, chronic diseases, psychological issues, stress, tension, etc. While some pains are obvious, such as when you cut your finger; others are not so obvious but still cause a lot of distress. There are pains that are acute, such as the pain when you twist your ankle. And there are pains that are chronic and can accompany you for years and even your entire lifetime if left untreated. Once you understand the type of pain and the cause behind it, you are well on your way to managing it effectively.

Different types of pains
Pain can be experienced in different parts of the body. It could be in the head, neck, back, arms, legs, stomach, skin, teeth, ear, etc. The pain could be felt in muscles, joints, ligaments, bones, etc. There are pains that are felt in the internal organs of the body as well. One major type of pain is the one that is felt when a nerve in the nervous system is damaged. This condition is known as neuropathy. Although the pain is experienced in a particular part of the body, it is perceived in the brain when the signals are carried to it by the nerves.

Managing pain effectively
Pain management is a science. It is important to begin addressing the pain earlier as this offers the best chance of complete uprooting of it. It is important to become aware of the pain and not ignore it. Some pains are temporary and usually vanish when the temporary condition that caused them is over. However some other pains can be an indication of some serious underlying cause and must be addressed promptly and effectively to be able to manage them well. Consulting a pain management expert is the best way to begin. This will help you understand the underlying causes and find the best treatment option for your pain.

Pain management options
There are many options available for managing your pain effectively. One of them is using painkillers to stop the jarring pain quickly. However, although medicines work in the short run, they cannot offer a long-lasting effect as the underlying cause is still not addressed. Epidural Steroid Injections are used to manage severe pain related to neck and lower back that spreads to the arms and legs. Acupuncture, massage, yoga are ancient healing systems that can effectively reduce pain in many conditions and offer relief. Healthy alkaline diet, gentle stretching, relaxation techniques all can be helpful to manage pain effectively.