Friday, 11 July 2014

Healthy food and dietary supplements help keep away pain

Pain in old age
When people grow old, they also learn to live with pain and assume that pain in old age is a part of life. Pain not only makes us hurt, it also affects the way one leads a life. It causes not only physical disturbance but also leads to mental disturbance and which ultimately leads to depression. It is a very serious problem as it affects every point of the life. Joint pain in old age is also known as geriatric pain.

Causes of joint pain
Some of the main causes of joint pains are inflammatory joint diseases; osteoarthritis is one of the most common joint pain diseases in old age. It is mainly caused by the wear and tear of the joints caused by ageing. It affects knees, shoulder, ankle, hips, and feet. The main symptoms of this typical disease are stiffness in the joints particularly after doing exercise and after waking up in the morning and also after sitting in the same posture for a long time. Gouty arthritis is another common old age problem which is caused due to increase of the level of uric acid content in the body. The pain points where it attacks are knee, heels, ankle, wrist and fingers. Some previous injury or any joint dislocation can also be a main cause of old age pains.

Treatment for old age pain
Using ice therapy or heat therapy can give relief from the joint pain caused by osteoarthritis. Doing low impact exercises that involve movement of the joints are also quite helpful. Avoiding food containing high protein diets, and avoiding alcoholic drinks helps to keep control of the uric acid level which in turn helps to get rid of the pain caused by gouty arthritis. Proper medication is also needed.  For joint dislocations and injury proper medical treatment is required.

Healthy food- helps to fight against joint pain
Arthritis is the main cause of the joint pains. It is caused due to the damages of the cartilages, tissues, bones and joints. Proper diet helps to get relieve from the pain associated with joint pains. Researchers have proved that omega-3 fatty acids helps to reduce the inflammation caused due to the wear and tear of the tissue cells. The omega-3 fatty acid is normally found in walnuts, trout’s, and mackerels. Broccoli, cauliflowers also helps to fight against arthritis. Consumption of greater amount of vitamin D also helps to fight against arthritis. The main source of vitamin D is the sun. Some food items containing vitamin D are oily fish, dairy products. Olive oils also have high capacity to help to reduce the stiffness in patients caused by arthritis. 

Supplements – to prevent joint pain
Glucosamine is considered as a natural supplement that helps to keep the cartilages in our body lubricated and also helps to keep the joints mobile. Chrondroitin sulphate is another highly recommended supplement that helps to reduce joint pains caused by inflammations. Calcium is also used as supplements to reduce joint pain. For all the muscular contractions, that takes place in our body, our body needs calcium, and if our blood does not have enough calcium then this calcium is taken from the bones. Therefore, enough calcium should be kept in our diet so that there is no deficiency of calcium. Proper diets are always mandatory for good health.