There could hardly be a human being who is not familiar with pain. Pain is an inseparable part of life. We try our best to avoid pain and get more pleasure out of life. It is only natural to do so. Some pains are temporary and they come and go away on their own accord. However, some are relatively persistent and unless we know how to handle and heal them, they can make our life very miserable. Pain management is an effort to minimize the suffering of a person in pain and help him live a relatively pain-free and better quality life.

Understanding your pain
Understanding your pain is the first step towards managing it. There are many causes behind a pain including physical injuries, chronic diseases, psychological issues, stress, tension, etc. While some pains are obvious, such as when you cut your finger; others are not so obvious but still cause a lot of distress. There are pains that are acute, such as the pain when you twist your ankle. And there are pains that are chronic and can accompany you for years and even your entire lifetime if left untreated. Once you understand the type of pain and the cause behind it, you are well on your way to managing it effectively.
Different types of pains
Pain can be experienced in different parts of the body. It could be in the head, neck, back, arms, legs, stomach, skin, teeth, ear, etc. The pain could be felt in muscles, joints, ligaments, bones, etc. There are pains that are felt in the internal organs of the body as well. One major type of pain is the one that is felt when a nerve in the nervous system is damaged. This condition is known as neuropathy. Although the pain is experienced in a particular part of the body, it is perceived in the brain when the signals are carried to it by the nerves.
Managing pain effectively
Pain management is a science. It is important to begin addressing the pain earlier as this offers the best chance of complete uprooting of it. It is important to become aware of the pain and not ignore it. Some pains are temporary and usually vanish when the temporary condition that caused them is over. However some other pains can be an indication of some serious underlying cause and must be addressed promptly and effectively to be able to manage them well. Consulting a pain management expert is the best way to begin. This will help you understand the underlying causes and find the best treatment option for your pain.
Pain management options
There are many options available for managing your pain effectively. One of them is using painkillers to stop the jarring pain quickly. However, although medicines work in the short run, they cannot offer a long-lasting effect as the underlying cause is still not addressed. Epidural Steroid Injections are used to manage severe pain related to neck and lower back that spreads to the arms and legs. Acupuncture, massage, yoga are ancient healing systems that can effectively reduce pain in many conditions and offer relief. Healthy alkaline diet, gentle stretching, relaxation techniques all can be helpful to manage pain effectively.